Test of Object Relations

Test of Object Relations

Test of object relations (TOR) is a self-rating instrument for measuring the quality of object relations in adulthood. It was developed by G. Žvelc and is based on psychoanalytic theory of object relations.  The test measures three dimensions (Dependence, Alienation and Self-Absorption) and six sub-dimensions of object relations (Symbiotic Merging, Separation Anxiety, Narcissism, Egocentricity, Fear of Engulfment and Social Isolation). The scale can be used freely for clinical and research purposes. If you would like to do a translation in another language, please write to us: gregor.zvelc@guest.arnes


Main articles

Martino G., Calaresi, D., Žvelc, G. (2020). Development of the italian version of the test of object relations – short form. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 17(1), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.36131/

Žvelc, G. & Berlafa, T. (2015). Preliminary validation of the Test of Object Relations in a sample of Croatian students. Review of psychology, 22 (1-2), 19-28. https://hrcak.srce.hr/162046

Žvelc, G. (2010a). Object and subject relations in adulthood – towards an integrative model of interpersonal relationships. Psychiatria Danubina, 22(4), 498–508.


English version – Test of object relations (long version) 

Test of Object Relations – long version